Desert Adventures, Inc. (DA) is a tax exempt, nonprofit corporation (501(c)(7)) operating in the state of Arizona. Fees, donations, contributions, or payments made to DA are not deductible for income tax purposes. The fees charged members, non-members and guests who participate in the activities organized and conducted by DA are collected only to defray the operating cost of the corporation. DA does not, nor does it intend to, insure the safety or health of the participants who attend any of the functions organized, conducted or sponsored by DA. DA would be required to significantly increase the charges and fees for its activities in order to purchase this type of insurance. By the execution of this document, I hereby waive any and all rights that I may have to make a claim for damages, expenses or costs against DA for any injuries that I might suffer while participating in any DA event and do hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns release, acquit, exonerate and forever discharge DA, its heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns from all claims, actions, causes of actions, demands, rights, damages, costs, expenses and attorney's fees or other compensation whatsoever that I might incur as a result of participating in a DA sponsored event. I further understand that I am fully responsible for obtaining any and all appropriate insurance coverage for myself and that I am fully responsible for my own medical and insurance expenses.
Membership and attendance in DA is restricted to those people 21 years of age or older, although some exceptions may apply. This restriction is necessitated by the laws of the State of Arizona governing the use and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Please consult an officer of DA for complete details of the membership age and attendance, restrictions and requirements.
By the execution of this document, I hereby grant permission for my picture to be included in any group photograph of events or activities sponsored by DA and published on the website and our Facebook Page. My last name or phone number shall not be used in any publication unless authorized by me.
DA may occasionally send text alerts to those who wish to receive them, in accordance with DA's Text Messaging Policy.
All information indicated on this application must be provided in full (unless otherwise noted) or your application may be returned. Your occupation is being requested only as a means to determine if any services which DA periodically contracts for may be available through our members. The membership list and mailing list of DA, including all information contained therein, is held in the strictest confidence and is not sold or provided to anyone. Only elected officers, and certain appointed officers, are provided with a copy of the membership list and those copies are closely held. Officers holding copies of the membership list may not provide anyone (including members, but excluding trip leaders, as required) with any information involving other members.
The members of Desert Adventures are all special people and are outstanding representatives of our community. We hope you will appropriately show your "pride" in yourself, Desert Adventures, and your community. Desert Adventures is an apolitical social organization. The bylaws establish Desert Adventures as an organization created to provide for a network of sharing in social and recreational activities for its membership and members of the community.
It is not the intent of this section to suggest or require any specific standard of conduct or moral ideal upon the membership of Desert Adventures. All people retain the right and privilege of individual freedom of choice and expression. Desert Adventures has, however by inclusion within its incorporation papers and adopted bylaws, expressed its position that we all have a basic yet significant responsibility to each other. This responsibility is decidedly directed toward our establishment of certain rules that may be applied from time to time in an attempt to maintain a level of safety and friendliness among our members. To this end, we have, by extraction of views from the adopted bylaws, set down the following as reasonable philosophical expectations for the members of Desert Adventures:
By the execution of this document (the final step being the completion of the membership purchase via online payment): (1) I agree to abide by the bylaws, rules and regulations, as established from time to time by Desert Adventures, Inc.; (2) I have read and fully understand the requirements indicated in the information contained in this application; (3) I affirm that I am at least 21 years of age.